The Impact Of Diet On Sleep And Dreams
Sleep & Dreams
August 15, 2024

The Impact Of Diet On Sleep And Dreams

If you are searching for the key to a night of amazing sleep and incredible dreams, you are in the right place. And it turns out the key may be your plate. The impact of diet on sleep and dreams is more significant than we once thought. Food can help you fall asleep faster, experience more vivid dreams, and help you recall dreams. Below, we chow down on the secrets of diet and sleep to discover how mindful eating can transform your nights.

How Is Food Connected With Sleep Health

What you eat and how you sleep affect each other. Eating healthy helps you sleep better, and sleeping well makes it easier to eat healthy. Sleep deprivation leads to increased hunger and cravings for unhealthy, high-calorie foods. By contrast, better total sleep duration improves energy levels and healthy eating choices. Scientists are still figuring out exactly how this works, so more research is needed; here is what we know.

The types of foods and nutrients we consume can enhance our night's rest. Foods rich in tryptophan, like dairy and nuts, boost sleep-regulating hormones like serotonin and melatonin. Omega-3 fatty acids found in fatty fish also enhance sleep quality. Magnesium-rich foods like leafy greens and nuts help relax muscles for more restful sleep. The Food You Eat Could Help You Remember Dreams. Vitamin B6 foods like salmon, chicken, tofu, sweet potatoes, avocados, and nuts/seeds improve dream recall.

Diet can also disrupt sleep. Overeating heavy or spicy meals can cause digestive discomfort, making it harder to fall asleep and decreasing actual sleep time. Caffeine and alcohol fragment sleep and reduce sleep quality in the long run. Even the timing of meals and snacks is important. Maintaining a regular eating schedule that aligns with your body's circadian rhythms supports healthy sleep. Hence why, simple tactics like not eating within 2 hours of bedtime generally make a big difference.

Certain foods can also influence the emotional tone of your dreams. For instance, foods high in sugar may lead to more intense or chaotic dreams due to fluctuations in blood sugar levels. Similarly, foods with high antioxidant properties might contribute to more positive dream experiences by reducing stress and promoting overall brain health.

Overall, a balanced, mindful, and nutrient-rich diet equals a better subjective sleep quality and a happier, healthier you.

The Impact Of Fad Diets On Different Sleep Stages

The link between diet and sleep quality is profound and complicated - because two very complex biological systems interact with one another. Our circadian and metabolic systems influence everything else in our bodies. Luckily, by stabilizing the rhythm in one, you can stabilize the other. But what happens when we try to change our metabolic rate to lose weight? How do those diets impact our restorative sleep?

High-Carbohydrate Diets vs. High-Fat Diets

The study Effects of Diet on Sleep Quality showed that eating a lot of carbohydrates can help you fall asleep faster and have more REM sleep. Carbs increase tryptophan, the same chemical that makes serotonin and melatonin. Small changes to our carb intake or cutting out processed foods can help us improve our sleep and overall life through better dietary choices.

Diets high in fat tend to reduce REM sleep but increase deep, slow-wave sleep. While a high-fat diet might look like a good idea, reduced REM can cause more frequent nighttime wake-ups and fewer lucid dreams.

REM sleep is important for memory and emotional health, while deep sleep helps the body recover and grow physically. The differences in sleep patterns between high-carb and high-fat diets affect your overall health by changing the type of sleep you get. So, finding balance in the middle is best for better sleep quality.

Very Low-Carbohydrate Diets

Based on findings from NCBI, very low-carbohydrate diets significantly affect sleep architecture. As we just mentioned, high-carb diets increase REM sleep. On the other hand, low-carb diets increase the time spent in slow-wave sleep (SWS), also known as deep sleep. Sticking to these diets for a long time, leading to ketosis, can permanently change how you sleep. These changes might happen because your body uses different fuels during sleep, with carbs used most during REM sleep. Shifts in brain chemicals and hormones caused by very low-carb diets may also be responsible for messing up your sleep stages. Maintaining a balanced macronutrient - including carbs - intake appears important for optimizing overall sleep quality.

Caloric Restriction Diets

Managing overall caloric intake is crucial in supporting healthy life and sleep patterns. That said, any restriction on macronutrients will impact sleep stages and quality. Restriction can cause poor sleep in REM and SWS, affecting cognitive function, mood, and metabolic health. This fact is especially important for anyone trying to lose weight. One study found that participants lost less when restricting calories and sleeping 5.5 hours per night compared to 8.5 hours per night.

The bottom line is that the types of foods you eat influence how well you sleep at night. But everyone's body is a bit different, so the effects vary from person to person. By understanding these dietary effects, you can make informed choices to control your sleep quality and diet. 

Effects of diet on dreams

The impact of diet on dreams and the ability to experience lucid dreams is an intriguing area of study. While still relatively new, certain foods can influence dream recall and vividness. In Foods and Substances Influencing (Lucid) Dreams, researchers looked at how what we consume can affect our lucid dreams. Researchers asked 436 people to do a survey about the foods and substances they consume and how often they remember having lucid dreams. They also asked about the people's personalities and other factors that could affect dreams.

Here's what the dream researchers found:

More studies are needed to understand how foods influence our dream experiences fully. However, this study gives us clues about how our diet and lifestyle choices may affect our sleep and dreaming.

Here is what we should look out for as dreamers in our diets:

How To Improve Sleep Quality With A Better Diet

A balanced and consistent diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and healthy proteins is best for good sleep. However, individual reactions to foods can vary. It's important to consider how different foods affect your sleep patterns. That said, improving sleep quality through diet is straightforward, with some mindful choices. 

These dietary habits can significantly impact sleep quality, helping you achieve more restorative rest and enhancing your dream experiences.


Understanding the impact of diet on sleep and dreams empowers you to make better food choices for improved sleep quality. By incorporating a diet for better sleep, you can enjoy more restful nights and take your dream experiences to new heights. While a balanced diet is a fantastic place to start, it is only one step to ensuring a peaceful night's sleep filled with lucid dreams. That is where we come in—discover more about how we support sleep and sweet dreams by downloading the Oniri App now!  

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