I’ve Been Lucid Dreaming for Almost Two Years, Here's How
Lucid Dreams​
September 8, 2022

I’ve Been Lucid Dreaming for Almost Two Years, Here's How

A lucid dreaming testimony an tips from from an experienced lucid dreamer, and Oniri user.

Hi, I'm Sage and I’ve been lucid dreaming for almost two years, here's how.

My lucid dreaming journey

Lucid Dreaming has been around for thousands of years and is a principle in a variety of different cultures and beliefs. As it becomes more mainstream through the internet and apps like TikTok, many people have become more interested in the practice. I have been lucid dreaming for nearly two years now on an almost weekly basis and the first belief I want to make clear is that anyone can do it. Lucid dreaming is not selective just as dreams are not. Everyone has different experiences and relationships with sleep cycles but here are a few tips and tricks I’ve picked up during my time lucid dreaming that could possibly help you as well. I started lucid dreaming in the middle of quarantine mostly out of pure boredom and interest. After my third attempt, I was successful. Now I know some people dont have such easy luck and have been trying for weeks, months, and sometimes even years but I urge you not to give up nor put too much pressure on yourself. Lucid dreaming is a form of escapism, as well as control granted that we don't always have in our daily lives but like any other fun habit, over-reliance can lead to an unhealthy obsession. So the first thing is to get balance and take the pressure off, if you are not successful one night, you have the next and next to try again. This, paired with healthy breaks, is just bound to lead to your success.  I lucid dream on average once or twice a week without trying and am successful in about half of my intentional attempts. When I don’t become fixated on it I tend to lucid dream a lot more. But there are also times when a few weeks or a month passes without a single lucid dream. The reality is that there is so much unknown about the brain and our subconscious, no one really knows what can trigger it and whatever technique or method you try, isn't foolproof. So while everyone is capable of doing it, the results won't always be the same, whether you're a beginner or an avid lucid dreamer. 

Biggest misconception about lucid dreaming

The biggest common misconception about lucid dreaming is that it is the ability to control your dream. This isn't always the case, it's rather the awareness of being in a dream. Being able to control it is just another additional aspect of lucid dreaming. So if you have ever been aware you were in a dream, then you've successfully done it! If you haven't, however, dont stress.Some people lucid dream using methods, there are a variety of ways to ensure that you end up conscious in your dreams. If you’re a beginner I would recommend looking at some of the common ones if you’re unsure about how to get started. 

Wake back to sleep

The most common is probably the ‘Wake back to sleep’:  What you're going to do is set a timer or an alarm for four to five hours after you sleep. You're then going to wake up for a short amount of time, I would recommend no longer than thirty minutes and as short as two or three. During this time period, I would avoid screens as blue light can really force you awake. I find it works best when you are still a bit sleepy. After that go back to sleep with the intention of waking up in a lucid dream. I and many others have had great success with this method but if you want to avoid the hassle of waking up in the middle of the night another great option is implementing reality checks. 

Reality checks

Another popular technique. Reality checks are ways to ensure that you’re awake, not dreaming. In dreams, elements of reality are distorted. The most common way to do reality checks is poking your hand with your finger to ensure that it doesn't go through as it can in dreams, or just glancing at the clock to see that time is in fact moving, as once again, it doesn't in dreams. Anything to anchor yourself to the real world is effective. This way once you're in a dream you can sometimes gain awareness and do a reality check, especially if you're doing them often throughout the day. Once in a dream and you realize that your fingers are floating through your hand, the clock is stuck at 12:00 am or any other manner of strange behavior is occurring, your mind will realize you’re dreaming. 

My favorite technique

My favorite method however is one I believe to be the most simple and the one I use the most. I will write down on a piece of paper “I will lucid dream tonight” or something along those times between 50-100 times and then just go to bed. As simple as that.  It's important to write (not type) this as studies show that you are more exposed to critical thinking this way. But like all others, lucid dreaming is a skill and you need to practice. A way to do this without actively trying to lucid dream is by writing down your dreams, this will help you remember them and find patterns within them. This is the biggest and most consistent tip that I can provide and of course, Oniri is perfect for that


At the core of lucid dreaming, it really is just practice and consistency. Sorry to break it to you but there's no quick fix or hack, and as mentioned before even experienced lucid dreamers have trouble.Consistent practice reaps consistent results.. With a few of the tips and tricks provided above, you should be able to get your foot in the door or with some more practice, a step into your first lucid dream. The most important thing to remember is that you are capable, everyone is and everyone's journey looks a little bit different. And if you need a break, take one! Your dreams aren't going anywhere, and when you get there there's so much to explore!

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